7 Cleaning Jobs Around Your Home Using Baking Soda
by Jeffrey Poarch 06/12/2019

You probably have a lot of baking soda lying around your kitchen, waiting for the next time you want to bake. But did you realize that baking soda can be very useful for carrying out multipurpose cleaning tasks around the house? Find out more below.
- Sprinkle baking soda into your sweaty sneakers to get rid of that terrible odor. And if it’s your fridge that’s smelly, it works perfectly as well. Just leave an uncovered box of baking soda in the refrigerator overnight.
- Your child decided to be Michael Angelo and paint the Sistine Chapel on your walls in crayon? Not to worry, wash lightly with a damp washcloth sprinkled with baking soda.
- You want to clean out the sordid remains of your culinary experiments gone wrong from your glass stovetop and leave no evidence behind? Simple. Add a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap. Let it sit still for about five minutes, add a little water and wipe it all down. There, as good as new. Dirty bathtub and greasy kitchen tiles? Repeat the same process and watch it sparkle again.
- Want to get rid of pet stink oozing out of your kitty's bed? Again—baking soda to the rescue. Sprinkle the places you want to deodorize with some baking soda, and vacuum after about 20 minutes.
- Is your kitchen or bathroom drain getting clogged up by dirt? Speed the pipes up by pouring about 1 cup of baking soda down it, add another cup of vinegar. Cover with a wet washcloth for about 10 minutes and then pour a kettle of hot water down the drain. Voila! The freeway is clear of traffic again.
- Do you have urine and sweat stains on your mattress? Sprinkle lots of baking soda over the entire mattress, leave for about 5 minutes and then vacuum it up. All the odor just went up in smoke. Use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and baking soda to get rid of the stains from body fluids.
- Baking soda also works perfectly well in cleaning out dishwashers. Just add lots of baking soda onto a damp sponge and wipe down the edges of your dishwasher to remove grease and food residue. It's straightforward to do. Can you think of any other cleaning uses of baking soda? No? Ask your neighbors at the next block party; you just might learn something new.
Give your home that sparkling shine for your next open house with just a bit of baking soda and elbow grease!